
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Something that bothered me

First off before I start I'd like to point out that I saw Harold and Kumar 2 tonight and that once again I had to see yet another grown man's dick, this is of course referring to the column 3 down from here if you think this blog may be worth my time.

Now then onto more important matters, the home page for my computer is Comcast and they always have these little news snippets or video's much like any other home page (Yahoo, MSN etc...) Sometimes if something piques my interest I'll read the article, this time I saw this video about Tom Hanks presidential endorsement. I think I clicked on the link just to annoy myself. And before you read this I'm sure it's been written about a hundred times before but it bothered me.

Now I do not hate Tom Hanks by any means, Forrest Gump makes me stop whatever show I'm watching and I focus on that movie until it's over. I just would like to slap (that's right slap) the person in the face and knee in the balls (I never understand why people say groin when we really know what u mean) who thought to themselves, hey people always bitch and complain about low voters turnouts how 'bout we get a celebrity (or 90) and let there opinion be heard, doesn't that sound like a neatto idea? It's the same contrived load of crap every single freakin time, "This is the most important election of your lives, blah blah blah I was in a movie where I took over the govt. we had a bunch of stunts and in the end I got the girl. It's up to you to make history, now where's my check?"

Here's the video by the way:

Now the thing I can actually respect about Tom Hanks is that he knows it's a crock what he's doing and pokes fun at himself by saying beware, celebrity endorsement and mocking how people's decisions have been made. But other celebs out there that take themselves way to seriously actively campaigning for Hillary or Barrack just sit back a minute and SHUT THE HELL UP! It's embarrassing to think there are people out there that one would actually vote based on who so and so prefers. I'm not saying there are thousands upon thousands thinking to themselves, well if the guy who did Forrest Gump and was an animated cowboy likes Barrack then by golly he's got my vote but there have to be some moronic teenagers to early twenty somethings who just watch MTV before they go whoring themselves out who are influenced by this stuff (I'm sure Tom Hanks isn't as good an example as someone else closer to there demographic.) But there's no doubt in my mind that if Oprah took her show on the road with Barack's tour from August to November (assuming he gets the Democratic nod) she could influence lonely housewives everywhere.

It just goes to show you how much people love celebrities no matter how much they bitch about them or want someone like Brittney to go away. And I'm not saying I'm innocent of it but I'm not always in the loop on her or Lyndsay Lohan or who got kicked off American Idol (I'd give a toe to make that show go away)I just think if anyone can't for one think for themselves or 2 be informed then he/she has no right to vote.

And since I could give a damn about politics I will not vote because I will not be following the election close enough to consider myself informed and because 1 vote does not make a difference, despite what people tell you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Studcrackers: come to the All-Time League's Finals thread and vote for me! :-)
